Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13
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Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13
The US Bankruptcy Code allows everyday people to get rid of their debts. Debtors with mostly consumer debt such as credit card debt, personal loans, secured debt and even back owed taxes can file for bankruptcy under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the Bankruptcy Code. Each filing offers a debtor different options in how they get out of debt and what property they can keep. Below are some common examples of the differences in each of the types of bankruptcy filings.
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Choosing the right chapter to file for bankruptcy under depends on a debtor's unique individual situation. Debtors should consult with an attorney to review their case and determine the best type of case to file. No matter which type of bankruptcy case is chosen, once a case is filed debtors can live hassle free from creditors. And once completed, debtors can get the fresh start they deserve.
Choosing the right chapter to file for bankruptcy under depends on a debtor's unique individual situation. Debtors should consult with an attorney to review their case and determine the best type of case to file. No matter which type of bankruptcy case is chosen, once a case is filed debtors can live hassle free from creditors. And once completed, debtors can get the fresh start they deserve.